Friday, March 8, 2013

A Scrapbook Lying on My Floor

My flag on my wall has pins on it from all the places in Europe I've traveled. My scrapbook on my floor has tickets from our travels in Europe, (including The London Tube tickets, and the Paris Metro tickets,) and it has postcards from places that didn't have pins.

Let's Open this Scrapbook, shall we?

This is the introductory page, and on the Tour de Eiffel ticket I drew, you can barely see that in pencil is written  "Travel Memoirs"
This page is special. At the top it says, "This First Long Month:May." Notice the boarding pass for the plane ride that took me out of America for the first time, the eiffel tower ticket, and Rembrandt's Night Watch postcard, which we saw at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
That's all the I can show you for now, partly because I'm still working on it, and partly because...
...well, wholly because I'm still working on it.

(For more "flag on my wall" posts, and "Scrapbook on my floor posts, go to "" or just click on the "Flag Hanging on My Wall" tab.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Flag Hanging on My Wall

On a certain wall, in a certain bedroom of a certain girl living one of  the tiniest countries in the world, hangs a flag. This flag isn't very big, but it is very special, because on it are pins from my travels in Europe.

It is my flag.

Last night, another pin was added onto my flag.

I'd already 10 pins hanging on it,

From a castle in Germany

From a Beer Garden in Munich

From Antwerp, Belgium

From the Netherlands

From a Museum in the Netherlands,

From Brussels, Belgium

From Westminster Abbey in London

From Hampton Court, (King Henry VIII's house in London)

From London,

From Haarlem, Netherlands,

And, added last night, Paris.

This collection, which was really my mom's idea, has helped me remember all the places I've gone, in a visual way. I don't know how many more pins will go onto my flag on the wall, but I have plenty of space.

(A LOT of space :~)